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What's the deal ?

I suspect that the following is not a real issue, but would be interested
to hear if anyone has any real details of what the problems are/were.

> While you're connected to your favorite Web page, it's also connected
> to you, and could be copying all sorts of information off your hard
> drive, say industry experts. In fact, it happened last year when
> Central Point Software used registration software developed by
> Pipeline Communications, and inadvertently also gathered descriptions
> of the users' systems -- the type of microprocessor, the version of
> DOS and Windows, the type of display and mouse, and the amount of free
> space available on the hard drive. Customers squawked, and Central
> Point had Pipeline change the software. However, Pipeline reports that
> at least one of its clients is using the scanning feature now -- but
> only after getting the owner's permission. The lesson? "If you can't
> trust it, don't connect to it." (Forbes 2/13/95 p.186)

Martin Poole, Perot Systems Europe              mpoole@heac006.gb.ec.ps.net
 "No matter where you go, there you are."       mpoole@cix.compulink.co.uk
